Saturday, September 14, 2013

Granite (It will make sense later)

Hi everyone!

Two posts in one week, look at me go! I wanted to write this post because I have been realizing a lot this week and want to share it with all of you. Just a heads up, this note gets a little sappy so if you are a crier (aka my daddy) please grab a tissue. I even needed one while writing it!

So, you might be wondering what the title of this post implies. Well, it is what I have come to realize, that I take so many things in life for granted. Yes, granted is the correct way to spell it, but up here I am constantly being asked if I am saying 'granite' haha I guess that is one word you can't take out of my true texan accent.

That being said, one of the first things I realized I take for granted are my country roots. I might not be from a small town, 'country girl' type of place, but I truly believe I come from a place where the true pride of Texas and southern hospitality is seen. The sad reality is, you just don't see that type of respect and generosity up here on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong there are so many nice and wonderful people who live here in DC and I have gotten to meet my fair share of them the past couple of weeks, but it is nothing like back home. Back in Lubbock I can be walking into a restaurant and simply get a smile or "Hi, how are you?" from a complete stranger and it makes my day. Basically, I have learned I take for granted how rare it is to have that type of hospitality on a daily basis and it is one of the things I am starting to miss most about home!

The second thing I take for granted has definitely got to be my car! Let me tell you there have been so many times this past week that I have wished so badly that I just had my car to jump in and drive to where I want to go instead of having to walk everywhere. Although, I will admit this walking thing is not all that bad seeing as I have gotten in the best shape I have been in for a really long time these past couple of weeks haha. However, I think going these 3 months without a car will help me to realize just how lucky I am to have that luxury everyday back home. To not have to worry about getting from point A to point B is such a nice thing, but it is also nice to not have to worry about gas prices or having car troubles. After all, God gave me these legs, why not make the most of them, right?

The third thing I have realized I take for granted would be my family and friends. I have met so many great people the few weeks that I have been here, but no one compares to the amazing people that I love and adore back home. Out of my roommates and I, I no doubt have the most Skype dates and phone calls from friends and family back home. I realize that not everyone is lucky enough to be able to call and talk to their loved ones as often as I am, and many of them don't have the close relationships with their loved ones as I am blessed enough to have. Granted I am not the only one who has an amazing best friend, or siblings that check in on her everyday, but I feel so special knowing that I am one of those people. Without the simple texts and calls I get everyday I don't think I would be able to handle this move as well as I am. I want you to know that you all keep me going day in and day out. I know that I take these relationships for granted everyday when I am back home, but I promise you I feel like the luckiest girl in the world knowing I have so many people back home that are thinking about me and checking in with me all the time. You are all amazing and I love you all! To my best friend, aka twin, even when we are 1700 miles apart you are always there for me and you mean the world to me! I hope you know how amazing it is to be able to have a friend like you! To my goofball brothers, I love you both more than you will ever know. I have told countless stories about yall while I have been here, and there have been so many people say how cool it is that my brothers are my best friends and how they wish they were that close with their siblings! I couldn't do this without the two of you, and even when you give me a hard time about me not being able to last 3 months without seeing either of you and I say your wrong, know that it really is that hard, but I can do it because I have your love and support! I take our relationship for granted more than anything and I realize I am one blessed little sister to have big brothers like you! I love you both to the moon and back!!

The last, and probably the hardest thing I am realizing is how much I take my parents for granted. While I haven't yet had that day where I have a complete breakdown from missing them so much (trust me there will be a day, and I dread that day). I have encountered multiple times in which I wish I had them here. For starters, I never realized how hard it is to come home after being out all day at classes and meetings, and fix myself a self sustaining, and decently healthy meal. Momma, you truly spoil me and I don't know what I would ever do without you and your willingness to come home after long days at work to cook us an amazing meal!! I have always loved you and respected you for that, but I don't believe I have ever told you or shown it. I most definitely take you for granted more than anything. I also realize that I rely on yall for the simplest of things, such as money, groceries, gas, lunch dates, laundry and so much more and don't even think twice to thank you for it! Well momma and daddy, this post serves as a small little thank you and I promise that when I get back home I will be sure to help you more!! I love you both so much and realize how truly spoiled I am by you (not that I mind it of course) and how blessed I am to have you. Without yall I wouldn't even be here discovering these things for myself. You are my reason for reaching my hopes and dreams, I hope you both know that! I know its silly to say but I take your abundant love for me for granted so much and I want you to know that I am so so so thankful for all the things you have done for me and allowed me to do over the past 21 years. You have both helped me achieve anything I have ever wanted, and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you!! Daddy, you need to stop crying now because this is supposed to be happy post :) (momma, hold it together too, I know you can be sappy sometimes too)

For those of you who are not my family or feel like this post was only for my close friends and family to read, please know that I realize I take you all for granted as well. I promise I am not just saying this, but I feel as though I have the best support system back home. From cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, and even LCU faculty/staff you are all so amazing and mean so much to me. I'm sorry this post was kind of sappy and somewhat of a lovey dovey note to my family, I just had to get these things off my chest. I miss the state of Texas, my friends and family every single day, but I know I am here for a purpose. I believe this is my time to learn and grow and realize what I want out of life. 3 months isn't the longest time, but it is plenty time to realize so many things I never thought about before.

So for now, I am going to try and stop taking everything for 'granite' and start appreciating the love and support I get from all of you more and more. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and know that my heart is abundantly flowing with love for you all!

Until the next post,
Love you all,


1 comment:

  1. U go baby niece I'm proud of u and love u lots aunt linda
