Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Yoon Effect

Hi everyone!

Sorry it has been a little over a week since my last post, I have been so busy getting things done in my final week of "working from home" before my actual work begins next Monday with DLE. I have to tell you I am so excited, but also extremely nervous. I think I am going to be quite the working bee when I get there, but the great thing about it is, it will be about sports and all the things that I absolutely love! I am getting myself prepared for the early mornings this week by waking up really early even when I have no reason to, and I have to say it is not as terrible as I thought it was going to be! (I might take back that statement later, but for now it is not too bad.) Anyways, your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated on Monday. Trust me I feel the love and support from you all every single day!!

Now, to explain the title of this post. I have been the luckiest, most blessed person to encounter one of the greatest human beings in my opinion who has ever lived! Now that may seem like a very strong statement to some of you, but let me tell you if you got to meet this guy you would feel the exact same way! I have had the pleasure of being in the same class as a guy from Seoul, Korea named Cha Yoon Do (we call him Yoon) who quite simply has the best outlook on life of any person I have ever met. In every single situation he sees the positive, he smiles constantly, always asks how you are doing before anything else, and just truly has a zest for life that I wish I had. He is one of the most outgoing people here at TWC and literally he is known by every single person here just because of how awesome of a person he is and how much he truly cares about others. Yoon is one of those people who can truly change the world, and every day that I get to be around him, he makes me think I can change the world as well! This guy cares so much about people and trying to make others happy that he envisions creating a restaurant where people can go to enjoy certain foods and an atmosphere that will help enhance their mood and make them happy and feel loved all at the same time. I am not quite sure how he is going to do this, but I have no doubt in my mind that someday in the near future we will be seeing "Asian Persuasion" restaurants as our class likes to call it all around the world!
I tell you all about Yoon because through him I have realized that it is okay to wake up and see the world as a gift every single day! It is okay to always wonder how others are doing before they ask you about yourself, and most importantly it is okay to believe that you can do anything in this world that you put your mind too! I think we can all learn something from this wonderful guy who I am blessed to call my friend, and that is that life is awesome! Even when we think that there is no way that our day will be good, there will always be something positive in it if we just choose to look at it that way. As Yoon reminds us every week in our Entrepreneurship class, "You can do it, you will be great, I am very proud of you, my brave buddies!" So I encourage each of you as you go about your day to take on the Yoon Effect and live life with a zest to make it great! I am definitely one of those people who needs to let go and stop worrying about what the day will bring, and just simply enjoy the life I am meant to live. To relentlessly pursue my dreams until I know for an absolute fact that it is no longer possible! (By the way, I do not plan on letting that happen!)

So this week, my goal is to live each day with a love for life and the promise of what that day will bring. Even if it is just as simple as saying hello to a stranger or giving a smile to those I pass by, every little thing matters. After all, I truly believe that by making others happy, we ourselves tend to be more happy just by seeing them smile. I am going to strive to wake up every morning with a strong outlook on how work will go and to always be prepared to go above and beyond what I think I can do in order to truly pursue my dreams.

I hope each of you has an amazing week!! Once again, I ask for your prayers this coming week as I start my internship. I love and appreciate you all more than you know and look forward to sharing more stories about Yoon and others in the near future. Have a great day/night!

Love you all!

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